So if you've spent any time online, you've seen the rash of half-baked relationship goals floating around cyberspace.
You've seen everything from people wanting to make faces in a collage, all the way to having matching tattoos. And these are fine for people who are just wanting to accomplish something that can be done with anyone in 5 minutes...But for realistic people like you and I that want something more fulfilling, those superficial goals will not suffice.
Here's 10 Realistic Relationship Goals that smart people strive for and attain with time and effort...
You've seen everything from people wanting to make faces in a collage, all the way to having matching tattoos. And these are fine for people who are just wanting to accomplish something that can be done with anyone in 5 minutes...But for realistic people like you and I that want something more fulfilling, those superficial goals will not suffice.
Here's 10 Realistic Relationship Goals that smart people strive for and attain with time and effort...
#1 - I Want Be In An Honest Relationship That I Can Trust
There's nothing like honesty in a relationship to let you know where you stand with someone. This will definitely serve you better than you and your boyfriend wearing matching shirts to McDonalds.
Trusting someone to be honest even during the bad times about things you don't want to hear can give you a piece of mind that an Instagram filter just can't find.
In fact, this is something that everyone should seek in their relationships.
Trusting someone to be honest even during the bad times about things you don't want to hear can give you a piece of mind that an Instagram filter just can't find.
In fact, this is something that everyone should seek in their relationships.
#2 - I Want The Sex In My Relationship To Satisfy My Deepest Pleasures
Who doesn't want mind-blowing sex that will have you feeling like a piece of wet spaghetti? I don't know about you, but I can't picture anyone lining up for the mediocre sex if they had a
You see the thing about amazing sex is that it's not just an event, some one-time happening, it's reoccurring. And the only way most people get to have continual sex with someone is in a relationship, unless they pay, but that is a relationship of a whole nother kind:p
But what I'm saying is, when you first have sex with someone, nobody knows what the hell they're doing. They're doing shit the person before you liked and you're more than likely doing the same.
And then with that, sometimes you hit the mark and sometimes you don't, but it is what it is in the beginning.
Now, when you have reoccurring sex with someone that you're in a relationship with, you have an opportunity to learn what the other person likes and enjoys. You have the opportunity to ask questions, listen and observe.
If both of you are vigilant and wanting to satisfy each other beyond your wildest dreams,this goal is possible and attainable. Because after all, practice..makes perfect ^_^
You see the thing about amazing sex is that it's not just an event, some one-time happening, it's reoccurring. And the only way most people get to have continual sex with someone is in a relationship, unless they pay, but that is a relationship of a whole nother kind:p
But what I'm saying is, when you first have sex with someone, nobody knows what the hell they're doing. They're doing shit the person before you liked and you're more than likely doing the same.
And then with that, sometimes you hit the mark and sometimes you don't, but it is what it is in the beginning.
Now, when you have reoccurring sex with someone that you're in a relationship with, you have an opportunity to learn what the other person likes and enjoys. You have the opportunity to ask questions, listen and observe.
If both of you are vigilant and wanting to satisfy each other beyond your wildest dreams,this goal is possible and attainable. Because after all, practice..makes perfect ^_^
#3 - I Want To Be Comfortable Being Uncomfortable In A Relationship
One of the many wonderful things you will experience in a long-term relationship is trying something new. It doesn't matter if it's a new food, a new zoo or a new position. It's just going to be new to you- whatever it
And it's completely natural to feel uncomfortable the first few times, but after a while, we tend to get used to the situation or sensation.
Being comfortable with being uncomfortable is something that occurs when you and your special someone have developed a level of trust that allows room for growth. Room to experience and try new things.
Even if it's just sitting in silence or moving to a new country, you're doing it together. No one is rejecting a suggestion in your relationship because it makes them "uneasy" if it's just silly then
And it's completely natural to feel uncomfortable the first few times, but after a while, we tend to get used to the situation or sensation.
Being comfortable with being uncomfortable is something that occurs when you and your special someone have developed a level of trust that allows room for growth. Room to experience and try new things.
Even if it's just sitting in silence or moving to a new country, you're doing it together. No one is rejecting a suggestion in your relationship because it makes them "uneasy" if it's just silly then
#4 - I Want To Be In A Relationship With Someone That Loves Me
Don't know why this isn't a goal on everyone's bucket list. Loving someone that loves you back can be worth more than gold depending on who you ask and where they're at in life.
When you have a relationship where you know in your soul that someone is making just as many sacrifices for you as you are for them. That's a powerful feeling. That's the type of stuff people end up on the front of the newspaper joke!
But the one thing, I'll say about this one is that it's not something that can be forced. We can't make people love us, no matter what we do. Love has something more to do with how someone perceives our actions, kind words and time spent.
They internalize it and run it through their network of emotional baggage. If you're lucky, they'll realize the true gem you are and will feel the same as you..but if not the search continues...
When you have a relationship where you know in your soul that someone is making just as many sacrifices for you as you are for them. That's a powerful feeling. That's the type of stuff people end up on the front of the newspaper joke!
But the one thing, I'll say about this one is that it's not something that can be forced. We can't make people love us, no matter what we do. Love has something more to do with how someone perceives our actions, kind words and time spent.
They internalize it and run it through their network of emotional baggage. If you're lucky, they'll realize the true gem you are and will feel the same as you..but if not the search continues...
#5 - I Want A Relationship With Someone That Accepts Me For Me
Who wouldn't love to just wake up in their own skin with no makeup, toothpaste or hairbrush and just be appreciated for being themselves.
Know that the person sleeping next to them, doesn't care what they did five years ago or that they're as evil as wet wasp when angry.
To know that they are accepted for all their faults, dreams and ambitions that they hold dear.
Now this a a good one and guess what! There's people out there right now that will do just that.
Know that the person sleeping next to them, doesn't care what they did five years ago or that they're as evil as wet wasp when angry.
To know that they are accepted for all their faults, dreams and ambitions that they hold dear.
Now this a a good one and guess what! There's people out there right now that will do just that.
#6 - I Want A Relationship With Someone That I Can Share Secrets With
Have you ever been in a relationship with someone that you didn't feel like you could share your darkest dirt with? But then at the same time, had a friend that you told wayy too much too and didn't feel bad about it?
Why was that? Why were you able to speak so freely with someone that you weren't dating, yet unable to speak openly to someone you sleep with? Hmm...Interesting.
To attain something of this magnitude, it's going to take a level of trust most couples never reach or a big within reach dose of "I'm willing to try".
Why was that? Why were you able to speak so freely with someone that you weren't dating, yet unable to speak openly to someone you sleep with? Hmm...Interesting.
To attain something of this magnitude, it's going to take a level of trust most couples never reach or a big within reach dose of "I'm willing to try".
#7 - I Want To Be In A Relationship That Has A Future
Tired of going nowhere in your relationships? Wish that someone was actually serious about half the shit they say?
Want to try your hand a creating a family of your own? Or maybe you just want someone whose going to be there when things just can't seem to get any worse.
You want someone that is tired of playing games and getting burned. You want someone that books a one-way ticket to forever...with you flying the plane.
You want a future. Not a promise, but the real deal. I think this is something we all want even if some of us don't want to admit it. I hope you find it in your journey like that old couple you always see in the park. ^_^
Want to try your hand a creating a family of your own? Or maybe you just want someone whose going to be there when things just can't seem to get any worse.
You want someone that is tired of playing games and getting burned. You want someone that books a one-way ticket to forever...with you flying the plane.
You want a future. Not a promise, but the real deal. I think this is something we all want even if some of us don't want to admit it. I hope you find it in your journey like that old couple you always see in the park. ^_^
#8 - I Want To Be In A Relationship That I Am Proud Of
You know some people just don't have any self-respect. They go through life aimlessly bringing chaos to everyone and everything they touch.
Maybe you've had a few relationships like that? Maybe you've dated someone that you were ashamed to admit that you even knew. Yeah, those can be bad times..times we all wish we could forget.
But there are people out there worthy of your time, energy and love. People you would be proud to say you Love and might possibly even love forever. I like this goal, don't you?
Maybe you've had a few relationships like that? Maybe you've dated someone that you were ashamed to admit that you even knew. Yeah, those can be bad times..times we all wish we could forget.
But there are people out there worthy of your time, energy and love. People you would be proud to say you Love and might possibly even love forever. I like this goal, don't you?
#9 - I Want A Relationship That Isn't Ruled By Work or Money
In our quests to become rich and powerful, we can lose sight of things that truly matter in life.
No matter how much money or power you acquire through your years, it won't bring you peace when you're lonely at night.
I've never seen a period in my life when working 156 hrs was anywhere near as fulfilling as hearing someone say, "I love you". I've never had so much money in my pocket that seeing someone I love laugh because of something I said seemed less than important.
But maybe you're different? Or maybe not? We only have so much time on this blue ball of fun, sweat and tears..make sure you put your time into true wealth that can sustain you when you have nothing but the riches in your soul to support you.
No matter how much money or power you acquire through your years, it won't bring you peace when you're lonely at night.
I've never seen a period in my life when working 156 hrs was anywhere near as fulfilling as hearing someone say, "I love you". I've never had so much money in my pocket that seeing someone I love laugh because of something I said seemed less than important.
But maybe you're different? Or maybe not? We only have so much time on this blue ball of fun, sweat and tears..make sure you put your time into true wealth that can sustain you when you have nothing but the riches in your soul to support you.
#10 - I Want To Be In A Relationship That Doesn't Involve Abuse
I couldn't leave this list without leaving a goal for those that have had more than their fair share of pain and misery within their pursuit of love and happiness.
It would be less of me if I didn't leave a few words for those that have been beaten down or are being beaten down by someone who thinks of them as inferior.
To that person I want to say: You are important. You matter. You deserve to be treated with respect, honor and decency. You have the right to love and be loved in this life. No one has the right to shame you, abuse you or physically hurt you. You can find happiness with someone that sees you as an equal. You can be free.
Stay Drama Free
If you agree with this BYT Insight, please share it with someone else, so that others can learn to put their efforts into something that matters a lot more than an a single moment snapped in a picture.
It would be less of me if I didn't leave a few words for those that have been beaten down or are being beaten down by someone who thinks of them as inferior.
To that person I want to say: You are important. You matter. You deserve to be treated with respect, honor and decency. You have the right to love and be loved in this life. No one has the right to shame you, abuse you or physically hurt you. You can find happiness with someone that sees you as an equal. You can be free.
Stay Drama Free
If you agree with this BYT Insight, please share it with someone else, so that others can learn to put their efforts into something that matters a lot more than an a single moment snapped in a picture.