When it comes to that moment of truth, some people will STAND UP and others will fall, but why? Well, to understand that we must look at some of the reasons that people cheat in the first place. I mean by no means is cheating ever okay, but you can kinda see why some people do it. Too much nagging or lack of trust, these are some of the things that make people creep, sneak and slither to the next behind your back.
So if you're intent on keeping your relationship a duo, you would benefit from reading below the line.
So if you're intent on keeping your relationship a duo, you would benefit from reading below the line.
#1 Lack Of Trust
"If the trust is gone, you can kiss the loyalty good-bye" If you can't trust your partner, it's really hard to feel secure in a relationship. How can you feel secure with someone that you don't trust? It just won't work and it's during these times that the door creeps open for new opportunities. We need to feel secure as people and when we don't, we look for it in other things. It just so happens that "other things" can also mean the warm embrace of a man's arms or the sweet perfume of an attractive woman. Notice how much more open you are to the idea of entertaining someone else's company when you don't trust your babe. No trust equal wandering eyes, hands and ..... |
#2 Communication Barriers
Communication is the glue that keeps a healthy relationship together when your not having sex. Don't believe me? Just imagine if you took all those funny chats and emotional breakthroughs out of the picture. What do you have then? This is the reason people should talk more and get to know one another so you have something to fall back on when your not doing the naked limbo;) |
#3 Not Sexually Satisfied
Sex isn't everything, but damn if it isn't something important! Men and women both love to feel "wanted", "hot" and desirable when feeling frisky and if your not delivering the goods, it's a wrap. Mediocre sex won't cut it all of the time, you've got to ask your partner what they really want. One thing to note is that if you don't, someone else will and you can pretty much guess what happens next. *_* |
#4 Under The Influence
"It is a known fact that intoxicants can lower one's inhibitions which can also result in unfavorable behavior" And no I'm not talking about these, "I was drunk" people, I'm talking about people that literally lose their damn minds when they are either high or drunk. It's just plain facts that some people can't handle their poison and become putty under the influence. Have you ever done something you normally wouldn't have if you were sober? Think about it. |
#5 Bored With The Relationship
Please note that you relationship can become stagnant, boring, mundane and predictable over time. This is why it is important for you to spice things up on occasion. No one wants to watch the same movie over and over and over, you get the point? When someone is bored they look for excitement and sometimes the closest thing is a healthy set of DDs or you buddy's inability to ever wear a shirt. |
Still With Me?
Like I said, there are several reasons people cheat and none of them should be used as an excuse, but you can see how it happens. I'm going to run them down for you one more time just to make sure you got it:
Well, there it is folks, I hope you use this information for the good of your relationship and not for evil. However, I do imagine that some folks will use these as excuses, but that's none of my business..lol
If you found value in this list, take a moment and click a share button to send these words to someone else in search of answers. Thanks in advance ^_^
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- If you don't have trust in a relationship, the loyalty is gone.
- If you can't talk to you're partner, you or they will talk to someone else.
- If you aren't getting stroked the way you like, you will be tempted to find it in others.
- If you can't hold your liquor or whatever your poison, you have issues..lol
- If you're bored, you will find some excitement
Well, there it is folks, I hope you use this information for the good of your relationship and not for evil. However, I do imagine that some folks will use these as excuses, but that's none of my business..lol
If you found value in this list, take a moment and click a share button to send these words to someone else in search of answers. Thanks in advance ^_^
Also, if you like the information on this site, subscribe to the newsletter, so you don't miss the next post!