Hello Ladies, today I'm going to be a share a little insight on a few things women say that piss men off. If it doesn't piss them off it will at least have him looking like our buddy up there, unless he's a total softie and in that case, "Fuck Em". Now that that's out of the way, let's have a little fun exploring troubling statements a woman can make that can add unnecessary stress to a pleasant evening or detonate impending doom ^_^
Number 1: "We Need To Talk"
Okay, so what the hell does that mean? If you've got something to say then just say it, there is no need to wait until we get home or Suzy Q leaves. Building up extra suspense and drama will not make matters any better, it will only give us more time to become pissed or go overboard. Now, I realize this works both ways because men say some dumb shit too, but this one is a No-Go, it's never any good. Don't you prefer your babe to just come out and say what's on his mind rather than wait for the perfect moment to piss you off? Yeah, we feel the same way. If it's important enough to stew on and plot to talk about just get it out of the way and save yourself and your babe the drama. |
Number 2: "Whatever"
Whatever? What do you mean, "Whatever"? When you say "whatever", that's you shutting down the lines of communication. That's you saying, I'm through talking about it...for now. But, have you ever noticed that sometimes you're guy isn't through talking about "it" and gets even louder or more aggressive with his wording? I bet it sure sounds like he's getting pissed at times and that's because he is. Don't you get a "tude" when he tells you "whatever" like he doesn't care what the hell you do? Again, this statement is another No-Go |
Number 3: "We Never Spend Any Quality Time Together"
Oh really? And what was he doing the last six hours of his life sitting on the couch talking to you? So, that wasn't quality time? Then what was it? Just talking to you, listening to your day and hearing about everything that went on at the office time? Ladies, if you want to be doing something with you babe then you need to open up your mouth and say what it is. If you're idea of quality time is having the same conversation, but rather than sitting on a couch you need to be in a hot air balloon..just say it. Guys have intuition just like most of you, but we are not psychics! So rather than say something to piss your man off, just come out and speak what's really on your mind. Now, we have been guilty of saying that same thing, but not at the rate women seem to throw this little doozy around anytime the ground quakes. |
Number 4: "Well, My Ex Used To..."
And another haymaker gets served up in the mix of attitude and slight frustration. Ladies, you don't go there about your ex! It just won't do. This is a sure-fire way to end a relationship or give him a reason to drink a tall glass of "Fuck It All" and flip the script! Now, you know your babe better than I do, but you know what book he's reading from and this is totally asking for him to become a complete ass. And not just the cushy parts either, I'm talking about the brown eye starin you in the freakin grill kind of ass..lol The kind of ass that makes you say, "Well, dayum, WTF did I do?". Think about it..do you like being compared to his Xs? "Well, my old girl used to pull her hair back and ....". Yeah, no one wants to hear about your X! |
Number 5: "Tonight, Let's Just Cuddle"
Now before you go jumping down my throat and saying, "What's wrong with cuddling?". I'm not talking about the your sick with a fever and your nose is running shit. I'm talking about that, you come out the shower bucket naked talking about "Let's just cuddle". Get the fuck outta here..lol Are you serious? Are you trying to torture us here? What did we do that was so bad that you are just going to lay there sexy as hell and just want to be held? I'm telling you this probably should have went up as the Number 1, if not a close Number 2. Be pissed at your man and hate his guts, but this is pure hell! Your babe won't even be able to function let alone think straight if your all soft and smelling good with a "No Tresspassin" stare stamped across your grill. But then again, some guys like a challenge;) |
And that's pretty much all I have to say about that. These are just a few things that will piss you babe off to no end and as you read, it works both ways. Best things to remember are to speak your mind, be upfront and direct and don't torture each other. I'm sure some of you ladies know us men can be a smug little sex pot when we want to be as well..lol
Well, I hope you enjoyed the post and I'll see you next time, until then comment below and share this with some of your friends ^_^ Thanks for reading...
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Well, I hope you enjoyed the post and I'll see you next time, until then comment below and share this with some of your friends ^_^ Thanks for reading...
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