But..Yes I've got a but..lol I will say that you should be knowledgeable of the differences in the mechanics and expectations of your relationship. So, if you're considering dating that hot guy with 3 kids or that goddess with a toddler, you would greatly benefit from reading the words in this article.
#1 The Kids Comes First
Yes, the kids come first and your relationship with the parent comes a close second. Now, this can be alarming for those self-centered types, but for those that are open and understanding of the big picture, this shouldn't be a difficult concept to grasp. Think about it, if it were you in their shoes would you put someone else before a child you created? |
#2 Dates Must Be Planned Well In Advance
It doesn't matter how good of a deal you got on those concert tickets, a single parent can't just pick up and go without making sure the little ones are taken care of. Dating a single parent done right involves planning ahead to find babysitters or making plans to take the children along for the ride. So, if you can't fathom being on a date with a child in tow then maybe dating a single parent isn't for you because trust me it will happen. |
#3 Even The Best Plans Could Still Fall Through
So you planned the perfect date well in advance and now the kid is sick and you must cancel your magical night of passion and romance. Well, there are two ways to handle this situation. One, you can throw a tantrum and add an unhealthy amount of stress in your relationship or you can go with option number 2. Remember tip number 1 - The Kids Comes First |
#4 Your Relationship Affects The Child
There's no two ways around this one and you can't think that the kids don't pick up on a change in the house. (Unless, the kid is still in a crib) Now where things could get sticky is if you and the child have bonded and you and the parent breakup. Not only will this be hard on the single parent, but the kid feels it too. This is the reason single parents don't introduce you to their children right off the bat. |
#5 There Is Another Parent In Your Relationship
Now we're getting into the thick of it..lol The infamous Baby Mama/Baby Daddy Drama that you've heard so much about. Yes, it is a real thing, but it's not always as unpleasant as the stories you've probably heard. So the big thing here is that you have to realize that the child's second parent may or may not still be in the picture. Knowing this information is something you're going to want to know before you even get deep into your feelings. You don't want to be cakin with Babe at 2am and then freaking out over a text message. |
Communication is going to vital for the success of your relationship, the same as it would be dating someone without kids. Now, as I said earlier, not all Baby Mama's or Baby Daddy's are filled with drama, some are actually quite the opposite. You may even find that they are a lot like you all the way down to your taste in music..lol Yeah, it's uncanny, but stranger things have happened. But, if you're one of the unlucky ones and your Sweety has a demon for an ex, you may have some work to do, especially if you're in the relationship for the long haul. One of the most stressful recurring thoughts you will have in this situation is wondering why they don't just cut them off. Seems easy enough, but that's only because you don't have a child with that person. So again, clear communication will be the guiding light in your relationship. |
And There You Have It...
The main thing to remember is that communication is key for the health of any relationship whether your dating a single parent or not. Choosing to not voice your thoughts and feelings about strange or uncomfortable situations will only increase the amount of stress and anguish both of you feel while being together.
So now that you have read this, I would like to know your thoughts on dating a single parent. What have you found to be the most challenging issues in relationships that consist of an adult plus one? You can write your words in the comments down below and I will meet you there ^_^
Until the next time...
Stay Drama Free
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