One of the worst realizations that a woman can face during the course of a relationship is learning that the person she cares about no longer cares for her
It's a hard fact, a real gut-punch that can take the wind right out of the most optimistic person's sail. It can derail your whole day and ultimately send you on a Ben & Jerry's bender that lasts for weeks on end.
But.. there are a few signs that life provides from time to time to let you know when someone just isn't into you as much as you are them. Would you like to know what they are? If so, let's begin...
It's a hard fact, a real gut-punch that can take the wind right out of the most optimistic person's sail. It can derail your whole day and ultimately send you on a Ben & Jerry's bender that lasts for weeks on end.
But.. there are a few signs that life provides from time to time to let you know when someone just isn't into you as much as you are them. Would you like to know what they are? If so, let's begin...
Number #1 - He Stops Taking Your Calls
Do you remember when you and "Mr. Magic" first started talking and you had to literally pry him off the phone just to get some sleep? Remember how he answered your calls by the third, if not the first ring?
Remember those days? But now, it's all you can do to get him to pick up the phone. And when he does pick up the phone, he doesn't answer with the same enthusiasm and passion as he once did.
So why? Well, there's a good chance he's over you and focused on someone or something else.
To put it plainly, if someone is interested in you they will make an effort to let you know.
Remember those days? But now, it's all you can do to get him to pick up the phone. And when he does pick up the phone, he doesn't answer with the same enthusiasm and passion as he once did.
So why? Well, there's a good chance he's over you and focused on someone or something else.
To put it plainly, if someone is interested in you they will make an effort to let you know.
Number #2 - He's Dating Other People
So you haven't heard from him in a few weeks, but you're still hanging onto the idea that he's "Just Busy". Maybe he really wants to talk to you, but right now he has to travel the world and make sure all the pretty women get across the street safely.
Really? Get real! You saw him out there with her and you know he wasn't trying to save the world. If anything he was trying to rock her world with enough force to shake the very ground you're sitting on right now as you read this.
Take a hint, he's moved on and now it's time for you to do the same.
Really? Get real! You saw him out there with her and you know he wasn't trying to save the world. If anything he was trying to rock her world with enough force to shake the very ground you're sitting on right now as you read this.
Take a hint, he's moved on and now it's time for you to do the same.
Number #3 - He Doesn't Want To Have Sex With You
Now I don't know about your particular man of interest, but if you wave a steak in front of a dog's face it's going to bite. It doesn't matter if he's full of kibbles or is on his last leg, he's going to bite.
So the fact that you sauntered out of the shower dripping wet with your hair clinging to the nape of your neck 3 days in a row and he did nothing should tell you something.
But if that didn't ring the bell for you, how about that time when you tried to press up on him in the laundry room? You went in for a kiss and he returned a weak ass peck before politely exiting and leaving you all alone with just the machines buzzing in the background.
Don't do it to yourself Babe, take a hint. He's just not into you like that anymore.
So the fact that you sauntered out of the shower dripping wet with your hair clinging to the nape of your neck 3 days in a row and he did nothing should tell you something.
But if that didn't ring the bell for you, how about that time when you tried to press up on him in the laundry room? You went in for a kiss and he returned a weak ass peck before politely exiting and leaving you all alone with just the machines buzzing in the background.
Don't do it to yourself Babe, take a hint. He's just not into you like that anymore.
Number #4 - He Gave You Back All Of Your Things
One thing most men notice at the beginning of a relationship is how some women leave little trinkets here and there to give them a "legit" reason to return.
You know the ol, "I left my hairband in your bathroom" or "I forgot my soda in your fridge" *Come on ladies, leave something half-way official like a necklace that magically finds it's way behind the couch*
But either way, no matter what you left behind over the days, weeks or even months, it doesn't comeback until you take it back..normally. So if all of a sudden you get a care package with everything you've ever left or have given him over the course of your relationship comes back in a nice neat little bow... Take a hint.
You know the ol, "I left my hairband in your bathroom" or "I forgot my soda in your fridge" *Come on ladies, leave something half-way official like a necklace that magically finds it's way behind the couch*
But either way, no matter what you left behind over the days, weeks or even months, it doesn't comeback until you take it back..normally. So if all of a sudden you get a care package with everything you've ever left or have given him over the course of your relationship comes back in a nice neat little bow... Take a hint.
Number #5 - He Says He Has No Time, But Finds Time For Others
A productive man is a working man and his work will always be a driving force in his life. But when a man is in love or wants to be with a woman, he will make time for her if nothing else.
It won't matter what kind of grinder he works, he will make time for you. He could work two 12-hr shifts back to back, plus the weekend and still find time to squeeze you in between his snooze.
So when all of a sudden, he's just "too busy" and has "All these other obligations" that prevent him from being able to come see you for just 5 minutes..he's moved on. Especially if you know that he and a few work buddies continue to go out on Friday night's after his "I can't get a break for nothing from work week". is over.
People make time for people they want to see.
It won't matter what kind of grinder he works, he will make time for you. He could work two 12-hr shifts back to back, plus the weekend and still find time to squeeze you in between his snooze.
So when all of a sudden, he's just "too busy" and has "All these other obligations" that prevent him from being able to come see you for just 5 minutes..he's moved on. Especially if you know that he and a few work buddies continue to go out on Friday night's after his "I can't get a break for nothing from work week". is over.
People make time for people they want to see.
To Put it Simply..
When someone's not into you like that anymore, you will know. You don't need someone to point it out, spell it out.. you feel it inside.
The once hot and heavy kisses turn cold and flat. The "I want to hold you all night" turns to into you forcing your hand into his.
The writings on the wall whether you choose to read it or not. I'm just glad that you found this in time so you'll know what it looks like if this ever happens to you.
Stay Drama Free
The once hot and heavy kisses turn cold and flat. The "I want to hold you all night" turns to into you forcing your hand into his.
The writings on the wall whether you choose to read it or not. I'm just glad that you found this in time so you'll know what it looks like if this ever happens to you.
Stay Drama Free