When it comes to building a sustainable relationship, the first thing to remember is to always tell the truth. Of course this is obvious to most of us, but for some, a little "white lie" isn't such a big deal.
Well, I hate to break the news, but Yeah, it is a Big Deal. It's hard enough just being in an honest relationship, but to build a relationship based on lies?" Now that's just asking for drama in your life.
So this is the reason, I feel it's about time we look at a few "white lies" that should never be told.
Well, I hate to break the news, but Yeah, it is a Big Deal. It's hard enough just being in an honest relationship, but to build a relationship based on lies?" Now that's just asking for drama in your life.
So this is the reason, I feel it's about time we look at a few "white lies" that should never be told.
#1 Your Age
Lying about your age is never a good idea for so many reasons. You've got to look at it from this point, "Why are you lying about your age?". So what you're a few years older or younger? Are you ashamed of the age difference?
More often than not, you're not fooling anybody lying about your age. The truth will show itself when you least expect it...and maybe it already has. Being honest with yourself should be first and foremost before even attempting to embark on a relationship. If you start off by lying about your age, What's next? Shoe size? Even something as small as lying about your age can be costly in the long run. This one thing alone can flood the relationship you've worked so hard to grow with doubt, loss of trust and drama. |
#2 Who You Are
Now this one can be somewhat of a creeper.
You're on the first date and want to impress, so yeah, you tell him that your interested in everything he is. And then it happens... You're knee deep in the swamp wearing hip waders scared of your own shadow. Don't do that to yourself. Be honest about what you enjoy, your likes and dislikes. Lying can create a bed of frustration that can comeback to haunt you time and time again. Not to mention the confusion Babe will feel when he finds out you don't give two flips about Disc Golf. That'd be like telling him that he has found the girl he was searching for and then pulling off your mask to say, "I was just joking, I'm not that girl". This probably won't end well. |
#3 How Many Kids You Have
Shouldn't even have to mention this, but it happens. You meet what you think is Mr. Perfect and he asks you how many kids you have, but what do you say? Two.
Knowing full well, you've got you're own little league baseball team with cheerleaders waiting for you back home. It's never okay to lie about your children. Never. |
#4 Your Job
"Yeah, I'm a manager at a nice restaurant just outside the city"
How long can you keep that one up before one of his friends swings through the Bojangles drive-thru and finds you handing him a box of chicken? Nothing wrong with selling chicken, but if you're telling someone you cook steak and you working with spam, it's never a good start. A lot can be said about the pride someone takes or doesn't take in their work. How could someone work a job for 3 years and be completely miserable or embarrassed? One has to wonder if you can do the same in a relationship? Would you stay with someone that made you miserable or embarrassed for 3 years? |
#5 Your Relationship Status
Oh yea, Break out the Beans and Pork Chops!
Lying about your relationship status is a Big No No. It doesn't matter if "The Bae" is overseas in Iran or he's locked up in jail, people need to know the truth. Nothing worse than finding out "Babe" has some guy paying all her bills, who just calls or "stops by" from time to time. Talk about a rude awakening. This can go wrong in so many ways and with plenty of uncertain consequences. You don't really want to be responsible for this new guy that thinks he's the "only one" going to jail because you forgot to mention, Tyrone do ya? Lying can cost both of you more than sleep. |
And These Are Just A Few Of So Many...
As I said up above, telling a "white lie" is never the right thing to do. Being honest and upfront out of the gate is always the best option when it comes to matters of the heart.
Still not convinced? Put the shoe on the other foot. Imagine having a guy lie about loving ballet, along with the fact that he's got 3 kids living with his girlfriend in China. Wouldn't that blow the lid of your cozy little relationship?
Finding out that he's just a nurse studying to be a doctor instead of a practicing M.D? Or learning that the cute 25-yr old you've been sleeping with for the last 3 weeks is really 34!
Yeah, it's something to think about ^_^
Still not convinced? Put the shoe on the other foot. Imagine having a guy lie about loving ballet, along with the fact that he's got 3 kids living with his girlfriend in China. Wouldn't that blow the lid of your cozy little relationship?
Finding out that he's just a nurse studying to be a doctor instead of a practicing M.D? Or learning that the cute 25-yr old you've been sleeping with for the last 3 weeks is really 34!
Yeah, it's something to think about ^_^