With so many fish in the sea, it can be hard to tell the good from the bad and let's face it, picking a bad one sucks..lol
It's literally no fun when you put weeks or even months into someone, only to find that they didn't amount to squat.
Well today, I'm going to let you in on a few Eye-Opening tips to help you catch a man worth keeping.
It's literally no fun when you put weeks or even months into someone, only to find that they didn't amount to squat.
Well today, I'm going to let you in on a few Eye-Opening tips to help you catch a man worth keeping.
Choose Someone That You Have A lot In Common With
One thing people often overlook before agreeing to be in a relationship with someone is the actual number of interests they have in common.
It's far too easy to get caught up in the hype and excitement of all the new attention, but please take a second to pause.
Relationships are a commitment and they take time, besides it's a lot easier to share common interests than it is to convert vegan to a meat-eater.
It's far too easy to get caught up in the hype and excitement of all the new attention, but please take a second to pause.
Relationships are a commitment and they take time, besides it's a lot easier to share common interests than it is to convert vegan to a meat-eater.
Don't Date Someone Just Because They Are Cute
Beauty is something that will fade..point..blank..period.
There's no reason to base your decision to date someone just because of how they look. There are a lot of beautiful people in the world and he isn't the only one you'll see.
Now if you only want sex, then do what you do, but if you want a relationship of substance and quality, base it on his mind and spirit. Because even after his hair is gray and his body is weak, his soul will live on.
There's no reason to base your decision to date someone just because of how they look. There are a lot of beautiful people in the world and he isn't the only one you'll see.
Now if you only want sex, then do what you do, but if you want a relationship of substance and quality, base it on his mind and spirit. Because even after his hair is gray and his body is weak, his soul will live on.
Pick Someone Whose Goals Align With Yours
In life, there are all types of people. You have people that achieve and people that dream. People that buy and people that take. People that run and people that fight. Even people that talk and people that take action.
Now, you fall on either side of those coins just like the guys you're thinking about dating, but what if..
What if the guy you choose to date is content working 50+hrs a week and you want to travel the world?
What if you want children and he wants a kid-free future with an 8 room mansion? How hard do you think it will be change his mind?
But even better yet, is that a fight or challenge you want to take on? Because while you're trying to alter his dreams, he'll be trying to sway yours.
Now, you fall on either side of those coins just like the guys you're thinking about dating, but what if..
What if the guy you choose to date is content working 50+hrs a week and you want to travel the world?
What if you want children and he wants a kid-free future with an 8 room mansion? How hard do you think it will be change his mind?
But even better yet, is that a fight or challenge you want to take on? Because while you're trying to alter his dreams, he'll be trying to sway yours.
Make Sure That He Is Financially Stable
TLC said it best when they said, "No Scrubs"..lol
Now I'm not saying you need a guy with piles of money, but you do need a guy that can buy a clean pair of underwear or loaf of bread when you're hungry.
There are so many things that can put stress in a relationship and money is the last thing you want getting in the way of your love life.
A man that can financially support himself will be less of a burden on you and he will also be more confident in his abilities to deal with life's hardships.
But also know that men look at a woman's pocket, as well as, because who needs more stress in 2016?
Now I'm not saying you need a guy with piles of money, but you do need a guy that can buy a clean pair of underwear or loaf of bread when you're hungry.
There are so many things that can put stress in a relationship and money is the last thing you want getting in the way of your love life.
A man that can financially support himself will be less of a burden on you and he will also be more confident in his abilities to deal with life's hardships.
But also know that men look at a woman's pocket, as well as, because who needs more stress in 2016?
Be Sure That He Is Single
Don't be the lady running around saying, "I think he's married, but I'm not sure". You don't want to be that woman, it's not a good look.
Be the woman that asks the guy flat-out if he's single, seeing anybody or has any other women in his life. The reason you want to ask him in this manner is because "single" to you might mean something very different to someone else.
And if the sad truth comes out that he has lied, drop him because if he's lying from day one about this, what else has he been untruthful about?
Be the woman that asks the guy flat-out if he's single, seeing anybody or has any other women in his life. The reason you want to ask him in this manner is because "single" to you might mean something very different to someone else.
And if the sad truth comes out that he has lied, drop him because if he's lying from day one about this, what else has he been untruthful about?
Find Out If He Is A Father Or Just Someone Who Pays Child Support
One has to wonder what people are thinking when they get into relationships with men that don't take care of their kids.
I mean, what do you think is going to happen if you should accidentally have an "Uh-Oh Moment" during a late night mix? Is he going to be different and just be there for your kid while abandoning the lives he's left behind?
Think about it. He just did that to the two women and children before you. If he's not being a part of their lives, it's only a matter of time before he would do the same to you.
And I realize that there is the occasional anomaly, but who wants to take that chance?
But let's just say for conversation sake, that he does have kids and is being a part of their lives. Well then, in this particular situation, your "Prince Charming" might not be half bad after all..lol
I mean, what do you think is going to happen if you should accidentally have an "Uh-Oh Moment" during a late night mix? Is he going to be different and just be there for your kid while abandoning the lives he's left behind?
Think about it. He just did that to the two women and children before you. If he's not being a part of their lives, it's only a matter of time before he would do the same to you.
And I realize that there is the occasional anomaly, but who wants to take that chance?
But let's just say for conversation sake, that he does have kids and is being a part of their lives. Well then, in this particular situation, your "Prince Charming" might not be half bad after all..lol
Check To See If He Is Mentally Stable
I probably should have put this one closer to the top, but I figured I'd place it here for someone whose truly serious about picking a better boyfriend.
Now, the sanity of a man should be evaluated before getting into or even deeper in a relationship for several reasons.
1. If he is unstable the relationship, you will need to educate yourself on his condition to be able to work through issues that will arise.
2. His emotional response to relationship stress could potentially be more than you bargained for.
3. Managing your own problems and taking on the stress of his issues will tax your sanity.
But don't get me wrong because there's nothing wrong with dating someone who may have a few things going on upstairs, but it is important to know what you're getting into.
This rolls back up into what I said earlier about being attracted to someone for their mind more so than looks. Take the time to truly get to know someone before making things "official'.
Now, the sanity of a man should be evaluated before getting into or even deeper in a relationship for several reasons.
1. If he is unstable the relationship, you will need to educate yourself on his condition to be able to work through issues that will arise.
2. His emotional response to relationship stress could potentially be more than you bargained for.
3. Managing your own problems and taking on the stress of his issues will tax your sanity.
But don't get me wrong because there's nothing wrong with dating someone who may have a few things going on upstairs, but it is important to know what you're getting into.
This rolls back up into what I said earlier about being attracted to someone for their mind more so than looks. Take the time to truly get to know someone before making things "official'.
And Now...
I would like you to take a second and let me know if these words have been helpful to you. In the comments below, tell me at least one thing you will consider the next time you pick a boyfriend.
Also, I want to remind you that there is a BYT Newsletter that I send out every Friday that provides additional information with each week's insight. So if you want to access to the additional tips in this post, sign up here now.
Stay Drama Free
Also, I want to remind you that there is a BYT Newsletter that I send out every Friday that provides additional information with each week's insight. So if you want to access to the additional tips in this post, sign up here now.
Stay Drama Free