Let's face it when it comes to staying on the straight and narrow in a relationship, things can get pretty challenging. Especially when your boyfriend is acting like a complete ass and you're getting fed up with his crap.
So what's a beautiful woman like you to do when your boyfriend doesn't have a clue and you've got a sexy mound of eye candy treating you like a queen?
Well for one, you can feed into this new attraction and see where it goes or you can learn how to stay faithful in a relationship. The choice is ultimately up to you, but if you want to remain faithful keep reading and I'll give you a few pointers on what to do.
So what's a beautiful woman like you to do when your boyfriend doesn't have a clue and you've got a sexy mound of eye candy treating you like a queen?
Well for one, you can feed into this new attraction and see where it goes or you can learn how to stay faithful in a relationship. The choice is ultimately up to you, but if you want to remain faithful keep reading and I'll give you a few pointers on what to do.
Don't Put Yourself In Compromising Situations

Far too many times women place themselves in positions where the temptation is completely off the charts! It's like, everywhere you look you've got options teasing you to "do the deed". Now a lot of people give into this, but if you're here reading then this is something you wish to change or at least learn a little more about.
When you place yourself in the dragon's lair, whether that's the club or going on a "lunch date" out of curiosity, you are increasing your chances of cheating.
Think about it, why get all dolled up and go out leaving your boyfriend at home, so that you can be ogled by other men? Or why even go on that secret "lunch date" with the guy you know wants to sleep with you, but you gonna act like he doesn't.
Come on, do I have to spell it out for you? Obviously, if the idea of going out to meet other men or specifically another man interests you more than spending time with your boyfriend, you're thinking about creepin. Or you're at least toying with the idea to block out the boredom you're experiencing in you're current relationship.
Now some of you may say, "It's about the conversation and the connection". Well let me tell you there will be a connection and it will not just be verbal;)
So be mindful of who you spend you're time with if you know you have a tendency to slip because there's only so many times you're gonna look at a steak before you take a bite.
When you place yourself in the dragon's lair, whether that's the club or going on a "lunch date" out of curiosity, you are increasing your chances of cheating.
Think about it, why get all dolled up and go out leaving your boyfriend at home, so that you can be ogled by other men? Or why even go on that secret "lunch date" with the guy you know wants to sleep with you, but you gonna act like he doesn't.
Come on, do I have to spell it out for you? Obviously, if the idea of going out to meet other men or specifically another man interests you more than spending time with your boyfriend, you're thinking about creepin. Or you're at least toying with the idea to block out the boredom you're experiencing in you're current relationship.
Now some of you may say, "It's about the conversation and the connection". Well let me tell you there will be a connection and it will not just be verbal;)
So be mindful of who you spend you're time with if you know you have a tendency to slip because there's only so many times you're gonna look at a steak before you take a bite.
Scale Back On The Flirting

Now nothing makes life more interesting than a good flirt session with someone you know is dying to spend more time with you. Just the slightest wink from you has him licking his lips and wishing they were yours.
Go ahead and clap your hands if you feel me..lol You know when you walk in that office wearing those high heels and you're hips are swinging it's only a matter of time before ...all eyes are on you.
You love the attention, hell at this point, you crave the attention. But at the same time you wonder, "Why doesn't my boyfriend react this way whenever I walk into the room or do certain things?". Am I right?
Why doesn't "what's his name" hang on my every word? Why doesn't he go out of his way to give me pleasure?
Well, I'll tell you why. It's because he's you're boyfriend and he's seen you walk and saunter around hundreds of times maybe even butt-naked and it just doesn't have the same effect anymore.
Now this doesn't mean he doesn't still find you attractive, it just means that he may need a reminder. You may need to tell him exactly what makes you feel desirable and secure in your relationship.
It's okay to be vulnerable and it's okay to be Sexy, but we both know that if you and you're boyfriend don't start talking soon. There will be more flirting on your end which may lead to a "sticky situation".
Go ahead and clap your hands if you feel me..lol You know when you walk in that office wearing those high heels and you're hips are swinging it's only a matter of time before ...all eyes are on you.
You love the attention, hell at this point, you crave the attention. But at the same time you wonder, "Why doesn't my boyfriend react this way whenever I walk into the room or do certain things?". Am I right?
Why doesn't "what's his name" hang on my every word? Why doesn't he go out of his way to give me pleasure?
Well, I'll tell you why. It's because he's you're boyfriend and he's seen you walk and saunter around hundreds of times maybe even butt-naked and it just doesn't have the same effect anymore.
Now this doesn't mean he doesn't still find you attractive, it just means that he may need a reminder. You may need to tell him exactly what makes you feel desirable and secure in your relationship.
It's okay to be vulnerable and it's okay to be Sexy, but we both know that if you and you're boyfriend don't start talking soon. There will be more flirting on your end which may lead to a "sticky situation".
Be Open And Honest About Your Feelings

Notice how I slipped right into this next one on ya..lol Smooth, but purposeful.
Being open and honest about your feelings isn't about just blurting out what you feel. It's about discussing each other's feelings on a regular basis.
Now depending on how far apart you two have grown in your relationship, you may need to do more talking than others. What I mean by this is taking a few moments each day to really connect and rebuild that rapport.
Remember when you two first hooked up? All the wonderful and exciting things you had to talk about? What happened to that? What happened to the marathon sex followed by hours of pillow talk? Where'd it go?
Did someone's schedule change and now that time is non-existent? Or was it something else?
Either way, it's time to get to the bottom of the matter before you start unloading all of your feelings on another man who will gladly take you up on the offer.
Being open and honest about your feelings isn't about just blurting out what you feel. It's about discussing each other's feelings on a regular basis.
Now depending on how far apart you two have grown in your relationship, you may need to do more talking than others. What I mean by this is taking a few moments each day to really connect and rebuild that rapport.
Remember when you two first hooked up? All the wonderful and exciting things you had to talk about? What happened to that? What happened to the marathon sex followed by hours of pillow talk? Where'd it go?
Did someone's schedule change and now that time is non-existent? Or was it something else?
Either way, it's time to get to the bottom of the matter before you start unloading all of your feelings on another man who will gladly take you up on the offer.
Get A Hobby

Sexual frustration can be like walking with a powder keg between your legs that's ready to explode at any minute. The slightest rub of some fabric in just the right place and you're ready to rip the mailman in half!
You've got to find something to do with that sexual energy and you've got to find something quick!
It's time to find yourself a hobby, something you can occupy your time and desires with when you can't relieve those urges.
Now, I'm not telling you to become best friends with your fingers and toys, I'm talking about doing something that brings you pure happiness and burns tension. Maybe it's exercise, maybe it's swimming and maybe you don't even know what it is yet.
It will take time to find something that meets your insatiable demand, but the one thing we do know is that if you don't find something to do soon..you may find someone to do now.
You've got to find something to do with that sexual energy and you've got to find something quick!
It's time to find yourself a hobby, something you can occupy your time and desires with when you can't relieve those urges.
Now, I'm not telling you to become best friends with your fingers and toys, I'm talking about doing something that brings you pure happiness and burns tension. Maybe it's exercise, maybe it's swimming and maybe you don't even know what it is yet.
It will take time to find something that meets your insatiable demand, but the one thing we do know is that if you don't find something to do soon..you may find someone to do now.
Tell Your Boyfriend What Pleases You

The title says it all, I don't even think I need to go in on this one, but I will just in case things are still a little hazy for you.
Being dissatisfied with a sexual partner is one of the top reasons people cheat. No one wants to be locked down in a relationship with someone that can't give them a proper "romp in the hay", if you catch my drift.
I don't know many women that want to get into bed every night with a man that doesn't rock their world at least half of the time. Clap if you feel me..lol
So what should a woman do, if her boyfriend isn't up to par in the bedroom? Well, besides bringing in a pinch hitter to let him watch and take notes, you're best option is communication.
Tell him what drives you wild. Tell him what makes you feel desirable. Tell him how to take you from 0 to 100 "real quick".
Sorry, but some guys you gotta draw a map for, they know where the door is but they can't find the handle. You may even have to physically move him around like a mannequin at Belk's until he gets the rhythm.
Now, for your man's sake, I hope he is receptive and open to this type of direction. Because you and I both know if he isn't...It's a wrap and he brought this one on himself.
Being dissatisfied with a sexual partner is one of the top reasons people cheat. No one wants to be locked down in a relationship with someone that can't give them a proper "romp in the hay", if you catch my drift.
I don't know many women that want to get into bed every night with a man that doesn't rock their world at least half of the time. Clap if you feel me..lol
So what should a woman do, if her boyfriend isn't up to par in the bedroom? Well, besides bringing in a pinch hitter to let him watch and take notes, you're best option is communication.
Tell him what drives you wild. Tell him what makes you feel desirable. Tell him how to take you from 0 to 100 "real quick".
Sorry, but some guys you gotta draw a map for, they know where the door is but they can't find the handle. You may even have to physically move him around like a mannequin at Belk's until he gets the rhythm.
Now, for your man's sake, I hope he is receptive and open to this type of direction. Because you and I both know if he isn't...It's a wrap and he brought this one on himself.
Well, What Do You Think?
Did you find some valuable gems within these words to bide your relationship some time? Did you find some food for thought to try out before you "dip out"?
Let me know in the comments below, I'd love to chat with you about what works or isn't working for you in your relationship.
Until Next Week, Stay Drama-Free
If you liked this insight and would like to see more on this topic check out "5 Reasons That You or Your Babe Will Cheat". Also, if you haven't signed up for the BYT Newletter yet, do it now so that you don't miss any of the extra information I will be sharing Friday with dedicated readers.
Let me know in the comments below, I'd love to chat with you about what works or isn't working for you in your relationship.
Until Next Week, Stay Drama-Free
If you liked this insight and would like to see more on this topic check out "5 Reasons That You or Your Babe Will Cheat". Also, if you haven't signed up for the BYT Newletter yet, do it now so that you don't miss any of the extra information I will be sharing Friday with dedicated readers.