Love. Love. Love. What do we know about it? Of course we know it's something that makes us feel all warm and tingly inside, but it's true definition has always remained unclear.
Now if you search the internet or talk to most people on the street they will tell you that Love is an intense feeling of deep affection. An intense feeling of deep affection..hmm? Seems about right, but those of us who have been in love tend to think it means a little more than that. And then there are "The Cynics" who think that Love is just a myth people sell to each other for their own selfish gain.
So let's unpack this idea of Love for a bit and see if we can't determine whether Love is a Real Thing or just another Myth.
Now if you search the internet or talk to most people on the street they will tell you that Love is an intense feeling of deep affection. An intense feeling of deep affection..hmm? Seems about right, but those of us who have been in love tend to think it means a little more than that. And then there are "The Cynics" who think that Love is just a myth people sell to each other for their own selfish gain.
So let's unpack this idea of Love for a bit and see if we can't determine whether Love is a Real Thing or just another Myth.
So for this quest of curious discovery, let's look at a few popular examples of love in film and then I'll share some of my own experience with this mysterious phenomenon. Are you ready?
The Notebook

Before we even dig into this one, I just want to tell you that this is one of the best love stories ever! Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams are just puppy dog adorable ^_^ Okay, now that the Nicholas Sparks fanboy moment has passed, let's begin.
When you watch this movie you see the story of two teenagers with a deep sense of affection for each other that are separated by social status. The girl, Allie, comes from a wealthy background and Noah is just a boy with barely enough money to buy a clean shirt. The movie goes on to show how the two love birds overcome insurmountable odds to live happily ever after.
Now I'm not going into too much detail of the film because I want to give folks who haven't watched it the opportunity to be blown away. But for those of us who have watched it, doesn't this sound a bit familiar?
How many relationships have you had with someone that didn't have or come from the same wealth as you? How many relationships have you had where everyone told you that it wasn't going to work because your backgrounds were too different?
And what did you do with that? If you're like me, you probably told the naysayers to kick rocks and followed your heart. Or were you one of those people that listened to the bitter rants of haters and chose logic over true passion?
When you watch this movie you see the story of two teenagers with a deep sense of affection for each other that are separated by social status. The girl, Allie, comes from a wealthy background and Noah is just a boy with barely enough money to buy a clean shirt. The movie goes on to show how the two love birds overcome insurmountable odds to live happily ever after.
Now I'm not going into too much detail of the film because I want to give folks who haven't watched it the opportunity to be blown away. But for those of us who have watched it, doesn't this sound a bit familiar?
How many relationships have you had with someone that didn't have or come from the same wealth as you? How many relationships have you had where everyone told you that it wasn't going to work because your backgrounds were too different?
And what did you do with that? If you're like me, you probably told the naysayers to kick rocks and followed your heart. Or were you one of those people that listened to the bitter rants of haters and chose logic over true passion?

You already know where I'm going with this Ghost is a film that tells the story of two lovers torn apart by death, who had a love that could not be killed.
Talk about Eternal Love! This is just about as deep as it gets, I mean loving someone so much that you come back from the dead to hold them one last time. That's official, like all the way legit.
I imagine a lot of us would like to think that we'd be able to grab just a few more minutes with the one we love before we go. Wouldn't you, if you were in Sam's shoes? Or wouldn't you like to be in Molly's position sensing that your lover was somehow watching over and protecting you?
Ghost is another powerful idea of how strong a connection two people can share and hopefully for some actually is. I'm not here to judge anyone that reports having contact with a lost love beyond the physical form. Because only they know the truth and that's all that needs to know.
Talk about Eternal Love! This is just about as deep as it gets, I mean loving someone so much that you come back from the dead to hold them one last time. That's official, like all the way legit.
I imagine a lot of us would like to think that we'd be able to grab just a few more minutes with the one we love before we go. Wouldn't you, if you were in Sam's shoes? Or wouldn't you like to be in Molly's position sensing that your lover was somehow watching over and protecting you?
Ghost is another powerful idea of how strong a connection two people can share and hopefully for some actually is. I'm not here to judge anyone that reports having contact with a lost love beyond the physical form. Because only they know the truth and that's all that needs to know.
As For My Experience With Love..

I've found Love to be something that's rewarding, fulfilling and very trying at times. I'd be lying if I said it was all peaches and cream, but you probably know that already don't you?
The moments when I've felt I was in love are when I would think about someone when there wasn't any real reason to think of them at all. I would just be walking or driving along and "Boom" they pop into my head and I just start smiling. Suddenly the day would get brighter and anything I was doing became magnified.
If I was listening to music, the song sounded so much clearer and if I was eating, the food was just that much better. For me, love is real thing, a feeling deep within that can make you feel and do some of the wildest things.
For example, I remember one time when I was pissed, I'm talking furious and then my girlfriend at the time needed me. She needed me to put my thoughts and feelings aside for just a second and help her through something that was causing her grief and worry. So you know what I did? I gave it to her, I gave her that time. I put her concerns as a top priority and mine came second...
Now eventually of course, I did get back into my own head space and sort out my own issues, but when you love someone sometimes they come first. You know what I'm talking about, I know you're probably reading this right now saying, "Yep, that was me, I did that too".
But that's how it is when you love someone, you put their needs above yours. Now some of you reading this take things to the extreme and forget about yourself completely which actually does more harm than good, but we'll talk about that in another discussion.
One more moment of Love, I'd like to share before I wrap this up:
There was a day in my life when I had spent one of the most amazing weekends with a beautiful woman. We had one of those weekends where all you do is cuddle, laugh, talk and have mind-blowing sex pretty much Now we had been doing this at least once a month because she lived in another state and you know long distance relationships go.
But this particular weekend, she came down and we did our thing and right after she left the strangest thing happened. I Jamaal, the smooth, cool cucumber started to feel my eyes begin to get a little moist. I thought to myself, "What is this?". There was no physical pain, I had just had an amazing weekend, but yet, here I was with teardrops now falling from my eyes.
At the time, I didn't know what the tears meant and I thought, "I must be sad she's leaving". Later, upon some deep reflection, I realize that at that moment, Love had found me when I least expected it.
The moments when I've felt I was in love are when I would think about someone when there wasn't any real reason to think of them at all. I would just be walking or driving along and "Boom" they pop into my head and I just start smiling. Suddenly the day would get brighter and anything I was doing became magnified.
If I was listening to music, the song sounded so much clearer and if I was eating, the food was just that much better. For me, love is real thing, a feeling deep within that can make you feel and do some of the wildest things.
For example, I remember one time when I was pissed, I'm talking furious and then my girlfriend at the time needed me. She needed me to put my thoughts and feelings aside for just a second and help her through something that was causing her grief and worry. So you know what I did? I gave it to her, I gave her that time. I put her concerns as a top priority and mine came second...
Now eventually of course, I did get back into my own head space and sort out my own issues, but when you love someone sometimes they come first. You know what I'm talking about, I know you're probably reading this right now saying, "Yep, that was me, I did that too".
But that's how it is when you love someone, you put their needs above yours. Now some of you reading this take things to the extreme and forget about yourself completely which actually does more harm than good, but we'll talk about that in another discussion.
One more moment of Love, I'd like to share before I wrap this up:
There was a day in my life when I had spent one of the most amazing weekends with a beautiful woman. We had one of those weekends where all you do is cuddle, laugh, talk and have mind-blowing sex pretty much Now we had been doing this at least once a month because she lived in another state and you know long distance relationships go.
But this particular weekend, she came down and we did our thing and right after she left the strangest thing happened. I Jamaal, the smooth, cool cucumber started to feel my eyes begin to get a little moist. I thought to myself, "What is this?". There was no physical pain, I had just had an amazing weekend, but yet, here I was with teardrops now falling from my eyes.
At the time, I didn't know what the tears meant and I thought, "I must be sad she's leaving". Later, upon some deep reflection, I realize that at that moment, Love had found me when I least expected it.
So What Do You Think? Is Love A Real Thing Or Just A Myth?
At this time, I would like to know your thoughts on the question, Is Love A Myth? Is it something that people actually experience? Or is it only an idea sold in movies and books to make money? Let me know your opinion in the comment box below.
As for me, I am a believer in Love and I know it is real. What about you?
Love Is Real
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As for me, I am a believer in Love and I know it is real. What about you?
Love Is Real
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