's definitely possible, but then again let's look a little closer. Have you noticed a sudden change in his behavior? Is he not treating you the same way he did when you first met?
Have you noticed that he doesn't come over as often? Does he not return texts or calls until hours or even days later?
If you've answered "Yes" to several of these, then you need to read this insight right now..Seriously.
Have you noticed that he doesn't come over as often? Does he not return texts or calls until hours or even days later?
If you've answered "Yes" to several of these, then you need to read this insight right now..Seriously.
If Your Boyfriend Stops Responding To Your Calls And Texts...
This can be a good indication that his focus has definitely shifted away from the relationship. Now, it doesn't mean completely, but at least for right now.
This can be due to a number of external and internal factors such as work, family and/or stress. Hopefully, it's not stress from the relationship, but if he's taking everyone's calls except yours then..
Look at it this way..You probably have your phone on you 24/7 right? There's not a day that most of us go without hitting Facebook or IG at least once if not 15x a day. If he's not returning your texts or taking your calls and he's actively on social sites then, "Yes" he is ignoring you.
But if he's not a phone junkie and always keeps a working telephone, then it's time you had a conversation with him face to face to find out if he's as interested in this "relationship" as you are.
This can be due to a number of external and internal factors such as work, family and/or stress. Hopefully, it's not stress from the relationship, but if he's taking everyone's calls except yours then..
Look at it this way..You probably have your phone on you 24/7 right? There's not a day that most of us go without hitting Facebook or IG at least once if not 15x a day. If he's not returning your texts or taking your calls and he's actively on social sites then, "Yes" he is ignoring you.
But if he's not a phone junkie and always keeps a working telephone, then it's time you had a conversation with him face to face to find out if he's as interested in this "relationship" as you are.
Do You Have To Fight For His Attention?
Think back to the last few times that the two of you were together...What did that look like?
Was it all lovey-dovey or did you have to fight for every second of his attention? Did you find that you almost had to put on a show just to hold his attention for more than a few minutes?
Was he more concerned about what his friends were discussing than you trying to talk to him about something important?
If the answer is yes, I don't want to write him off right away, but it's kind of hard to deny his preoccupation with people, places and things other than you.
Roll that one over and decide if this is the type of guy you want to invest your time in, even if he's not ignoring you..right now.
Was it all lovey-dovey or did you have to fight for every second of his attention? Did you find that you almost had to put on a show just to hold his attention for more than a few minutes?
Was he more concerned about what his friends were discussing than you trying to talk to him about something important?
If the answer is yes, I don't want to write him off right away, but it's kind of hard to deny his preoccupation with people, places and things other than you.
Roll that one over and decide if this is the type of guy you want to invest your time in, even if he's not ignoring you..right now.
Does He Have A New Group Of Friends?
Remember those days when he would come over and spend the entire weekend with you and do nothing but whatever urges you two wanted to satisfy?
One thing I'll say about this is that people change. The things that are most often new and exciting in at the start of a relationship can die down a bit after things become the norm.
Sex on Saturday nights..Movies on Sunday...yada yada yada..
These things get old, but they are what most couples do, unless they have other interests. Now, if he's been blowing you off lately to go spend time with some new faces.. you might want to investigate this situation..just a taste.
I mean, you probably haven't changed a whole lot in terms of age or appearance since the relationship started, but now he's not even showing up.
So what's so interesting about this new group of people that he doesn't have time for you anymore?
Now we could go a lot of places with this one, but again it's time for some communication between the two of you to see if your current interests line up. If they don't, then maybe you need to get a new group of friends and have a little fun of your own.
One thing I'll say about this is that people change. The things that are most often new and exciting in at the start of a relationship can die down a bit after things become the norm.
Sex on Saturday nights..Movies on Sunday...yada yada yada..
These things get old, but they are what most couples do, unless they have other interests. Now, if he's been blowing you off lately to go spend time with some new faces.. you might want to investigate this situation..just a taste.
I mean, you probably haven't changed a whole lot in terms of age or appearance since the relationship started, but now he's not even showing up.
So what's so interesting about this new group of people that he doesn't have time for you anymore?
Now we could go a lot of places with this one, but again it's time for some communication between the two of you to see if your current interests line up. If they don't, then maybe you need to get a new group of friends and have a little fun of your own.
Does Sex With You Seem Like The Last Thing On His Mind?
Whether people want to admit it or not, sex is a core component of a healthy relationship.
When the sex stops, you better believe Houston is in panic Sex is the physical pinnacle of expressing affection for someone that you love or at least like. Especially for men because you and I both know it doesn't take much to get their blood pumping..among other things:p
So, if you're walking around in your booty shorts or kinky nighty that always make him go crazy and now he's not even phased..something's wrong. Sex only stops because of an emotional disconnect or some other source of stress be it physical or mental.
And this is where it gets sticky because if he's not having sex with you..what is he doing with all that pent-up frustration? And on another note, if he's not having sex with anyone..what's really going on?
It's time to talk it out and tell him how you feel about the situation. Might just be a communication block in your relationship or something much bigger could be going on underneath his smile.
When the sex stops, you better believe Houston is in panic Sex is the physical pinnacle of expressing affection for someone that you love or at least like. Especially for men because you and I both know it doesn't take much to get their blood pumping..among other things:p
So, if you're walking around in your booty shorts or kinky nighty that always make him go crazy and now he's not even phased..something's wrong. Sex only stops because of an emotional disconnect or some other source of stress be it physical or mental.
And this is where it gets sticky because if he's not having sex with you..what is he doing with all that pent-up frustration? And on another note, if he's not having sex with anyone..what's really going on?
It's time to talk it out and tell him how you feel about the situation. Might just be a communication block in your relationship or something much bigger could be going on underneath his smile.
Has It Been Several Weeks Since You've Last Seen Him?
I'm going to keep this one short because I don't want to get too long-winded on you, but also because this one doesn't need much explanation.
If you're boyfriend hasn't joined the Armed Forces and doesn't live out of state or been abducted by aliens..he needs to see you. Point. Blank. Period.
Every man knows the importance of spending time with his woman and would want to spend time with his woman, if he genuinely strives to make her happy.
If you're boyfriend hasn't joined the Armed Forces and doesn't live out of state or been abducted by aliens..he needs to see you. Point. Blank. Period.
Every man knows the importance of spending time with his woman and would want to spend time with his woman, if he genuinely strives to make her happy.
So, Is He Ignoring You?
Now that you've read these words above, have you found the answer to your initial question? Is he ignoring you?
In whatever you decide, I just want you to know that good healthy communication between you and your man of interest is crucial to the health and survival of a fulfilling relationship.
Stay Drama Free
If you found this helpful, let me know by leaving a comment below or connecting with me on Twitter ^_^
In whatever you decide, I just want you to know that good healthy communication between you and your man of interest is crucial to the health and survival of a fulfilling relationship.
Stay Drama Free
If you found this helpful, let me know by leaving a comment below or connecting with me on Twitter ^_^